Wine Cellar Racks Construction — How Can You Get Things Right?

Signature Cellars
3 min readNov 25, 2021

Want to display your collection while ensuring appropriate storage at home? It is crucial to build quality wine cellar racks and organise them properly. Irrespective of the geographical location where you live, a cellar is the most suited solution to preserve the flavours of different wines. It is the reason why constructing such a storage unit becomes a new trend.

Do you want to get things right while working on your first wine room? The only way is to follow the basic rules to ensure that you could convert any space into a quality cellar.

Here Are the Steps to Build a Wine Storage Unit

Find Out the Right Location

Location is the most important consideration because there should not be the impact of direct sunlight or any artificial lights on your collection. It is fundamental in picking the location. By keeping this thing in mind, basements can be the perfect location. Some individuals also would like to transform kitchen cabinets, areas underneath the stairs, storeroom, etc. to get their first cellar ready.

Pick the Right Design and Size

If you choose a design randomly, you might not fulfil your dream of building an attractive storage unit. It is always crucial to get things right by finding the right design from contemporary or classic options. Suppose a small and compact cellar is ideal in your case, pick one of the amazing spiral cellar designs.

Insulate Your Cellar and Ensure Airtight Sealing

Insulation is a must to keep the storage condition unaltered. So, there is a need for appropriate framing, airtight sealing, and thicker insulation. Other than these elements, vapour barriers should also be installed outside of the framed walls. Ignoring this thing is not recommended when you aim at storing your collection for years.

Install High-Grade Cooling Units

Compared to regular temperature-controlled devices, cooling units for cellars are different. It is advised to install high-grade systems to ensure the right control of temperature fluctuations. The most ideal storage condition in terms of temperature is 55oF. If you talk about maintaining the appropriate moisture content inside the cellar, the installation of humidifiers is essential.

Select Ideal Lighting System

Since cellars are designed to preserve the condition of wines, you should avoid installing high-intensity lights. Otherwise, there is a possibility of alteration in the storage condition. Also, you can’t ignore installing lights because you have to pick the right bottle in the dark. It is the reason why you should install low-heat LEDs only that won’t emit a lot of heat.

Hire a Professional to Get Rid of Errors

Constructing a cellar can’t be done without the help of a professional. As it involves a number of steps that need expertise, hiring a reliable contractor are always effective in building the storage unit of your dreams. So, look at the experience of contractor by verifying the projects on which it has worked till date and ask for a quote to begin your project within your budget.

Final Thoughts

You must think about the right construction of wine cellar racks while planning to organise bottles for preserving your collection. Although you can go with buying ready-made metal racks, hiring a professional to get tips and build the storage unit of your dreams is a better choice. Experts employ proper techniques to let you preserve your collection for years. And, it is advised to estimate your budget before you start looking for a cellar company.

Did you know? Some individuals consider storing wines in the kitchen refrigerators. It is not the right approach because it offers short-term storage of at most two days. So, you must go for cellar construction when you aim at long-term storage of your collection.

Author Bio:

The author is experienced in dealing with wine cellar construction projects. He assists homeowners in picking the right design for wine cellar racks to help them get their desired storage unit. He is also a good musician.

